本帖最后由 开水 于 2015-12-7 21:38 编辑
现在想用arduino due做控制器,想在marlin固件上修改,现在开始改了,遇见了一个问题,用arduino软件编译后有错误信息#error pins for this chip not defined in arduino.h! If you write an appropriate pin definition and have this firmware work on your chip, please submit a pull request
fastio.h有一句是这样的:#ifndef DIO0_PIN
#error pins for this chip not defined in arduino.h! If you write an appropriate pin definition and have this firmware work on your chip, please submit a pull request
是引脚没有定义,不过这个文件中的引脚定义我也看了,并不能对照着写出arduino due的引脚定义,有谁用过arduino due啊,可以帮我解答一下,以后我会遇到更多问题的,也希望与大家交流学习。